and historical
We specialize in the sale of unique château compounds in the Czech Republic.
Thanks to the long-standing experience in the area of chateau recosntruction we can offer to you complex service –from the purchase of the château and its reconstruction to the furnishing of its interior.

District Domažlice
Price on request
District Tábor
1.372.550 EUR
District Ústí nad Labem
Price on request
Client section
In the client section you will find the châteaus that are not presented publicly, they constitute a part of the non-public offer. The châteaus are intended for registered users of the company to whom the offer will be displayed after they have registred in the section.
Please, contact us for access to client section.
Chateau news
Dnešní rozhovor je výjimečný. Ptáte se čím? Odpověď je jednoduchá. Je vedený s velkým milovníkem historických památek Tomášem Fürstem, který ...
Zhruba před rokem se nám podařilo najít zájemkyni, která koupila krásný, ale již mnoho let chátrající zámek na jihu Čech. ...